Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Pearl brooch

paket wisata lombok Pearl brooch is a decorative jewelry items that are designed to be mounted pinned to clothing or other media. At the rear there is a pearl brooch needles and hooks such as safety pins to pin a brooch pearl jewelry is on the fabric. In addition to the clothing worn, there are several types of pearl brooch or a belt that serves as a hair ornament.Pearl brooch serves as jewelry, but sometimes also function as fastening clothes, namely as a pin to form larger and more beautiful. Kerongsang for example, is a kind of traditional pearl brooch to fasten kebaya. tour lombok Pearl brooches are usually made of precious metals, such as gold or silver, but other metals such as bronze, brass or some other materials are also commonly used as an ingredient. Now pearl brooch-making materials are very diverse, such as crystals, beads, wood, ceramics, glass, plastic up. Pearl brooch often decorated with diamonds or gemstones encrusted.Historically, pearl brooch first became known in the Bronze Age. The Romans, Greeks, Germans and also the Celtic tribes and tribes that migrated in Europe from the Early Bronze Age was originally used decorative buckle. paket wisata lombok Pin is a variation of a needle equipped with a simple spring mechanism and hooks. This hook doubles, the first to form a closed bond that can be tightened suited to the material that will be tightened, both as cover fit the pointed end so as not to endanger the user. Safety pins are often used to combine fabric.Comes from the old-fashioned pin Mycenaeans since the 14th century BC (late Mycenaean era III). Known as fibulae (fibula) and used for the same functions as the modern safety pin.paket tour lombok In fact, the first fibulae in the 14th century and 13 BC shaped like a pin. The original fibulae described in the book by Chr. Blinkenberg's 1926 Fibules grecques et orientales. mutiara lombok Pin created back in July 1849 by Walter Hunt, an American inventor. Copyright pin has been sold for $ 400. According to Dick Hebdige, since the mid-1970s in the United Kingdom, punk sub-culture has included safety pins in their punk style to show the young people of the working class after the war. The performance style is taken from Richard Hell is never seen by the punk punk magazine and elsewhere. According to several documentaries and Malcolm McLaren, who stated that this style is based on the impressions of Richard Hell was arrested in New York when he was managing the New York Dolls harga mutiara

Ciri ciri emas asli

Ciri ciri emas asli south sea pearls anting emas dan south sea pearls Mengetahui perbedaan antara emas asli atau emas palsu merupakan hal yang perlu diketahui bagi orang yang ingin melakukan investasi emas. Jangan sampai emas yang mau diinvestasikan adalah emas palsu. Bukannya untung malah rugi. Dengan banyaknya orang yang melakukan investasi emas. Ada saja penjual nakal yang membuat emas palsu agar dijual dengan harga tinggi seperti emas asli. Cara mengetahui emas asli atau palsu dapat dilakukan cara-cara berikut ini. Berikut adalah ciri-ciri emas palsu : Bila didekatkan dengan magnet akan menempel. Bila dijatuhkan akan terdengar bunyi nyaring. Bila dicium berbau seperti bau besi. Bila digoreskan pada kaca, kaca akan tergores. Bila dipakai, akan menimbulkan rasa gatal pada kulit dan kulit menjadi hitam. Bila dicampur dengan zat asam, seperti asam klorida dan asam sulfat, maka akan tampak larutan logam yang lain. Bila digosokkan pada keramik, maka akan terdapat garis hitam pada keramik. Bila digosokkan dengan menggunakan jarum, jarum akan bengkok. Untuk menguji apakah emas asli atau emas palsu dapat meminta bantuan ahli perhiasan untuk menguji emas dengan menggunakan sinar-X. Cara ini adalah cara yang paing cepat, paing aman dan paling mudah untuk menguji keaslian emas. Cara ini tidak menyebabkan emas mengalami kerusakan, namun memerlukan biaya. Cara lainnya untuk menguji keaslian emas adalah dengan mengunakan larutan asam klorida atau asam sulfat. Caranya, ambil sedikit bagian emas dengan cara menyanyat dengan mengunakan pisau yang tajam lalu letakkan pada tabung kaca. Jangan lupa untuk memakan sarung tangan karet. Tuang sedikit asam pada emas. Bila ada logam lain, maka logam akan larut dan terpisah dari emas. Cara ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada emas. Asam yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengujan juga merupakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya, karena dapat menyebabkan luka bakar. Cara berikutnya yang lebih sederhana adalah dengan memakai perhiasan emas dan memeriksa apakah perhiasan emas tersebut dapat menghitamkan kulit atau tidak. Emas yang asli tidak akan menghitamkan kulit. ciri ciri emas asliMenusuk emas dengan jarum juga bisa dilakukan untuk mengetahui emas asli atau palsu. Caranya tusuk jarum ke perhiasan emas. Bila jarum bengkok atau patah, maka perhaisan emas tersebut kemungkinan besar adalah emas palsu. Hal ini karena emas sangat lembut. Cara ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada emas. Cara lainnya untuk mengetahui emas asli atau palsu adalah dengan menggunakan magnet. Caranya, dekatkan magnet pada emas. Bila emas mendekat, maka emas tersebut bukanlah emas murni, melainkan mengandung campuran logam lain yang bukan emas. Cara berikutnya adalah dengan menggosokkan emas pada keramik tanpa glasir. Bila terdapat garis hitam, itu merupakan pirit. Bila berwarna kuning emas, maka itu emas asli. Ubin keramik glasir bisa dibeli di toko bangunan. Ciri Ciri Besi ciri ciri besiBesi adalah logam yang berasal dari bijih besi (tambang) yang banyak digunakan untuk kehidupan manusia sehari-hari. Dalam tabel periodik, besi mempunyai simbol Fe dan nomor atom 26. Besi juga mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Besi adalah logam yang paling banyak dan paling beragam penggunaannya. Hal itu karena beberapa hal, diantaranya: Kelimpahan besi di kulit bumi cukup besar, Pengolahannya relatif mudah dan murah, dan Besi mempunyai sifat-sifat yang menguntungkan dan mudah dimodifikasi Salah satu kelemahan besi adalah mudah mengalami korosi. Korosi menimbulkan banyak kerugian karena mengurangi umur pakai berbagai barang atau bangunan yang menggunakan besi atau baja. Sebenarnya korosi dapat dicegah dengan mengubah besi menjadi baja tahan karat (stainless steel), akan tetapi proses ini terlalu mahal untuk kebanyakan penggunaan besi. Korosi besi memerlukan oksigen dan air. Berbagai jenis logam contohnya Zink dan Magnesium dapat melindungi besi dari korosi. Cara-cara pencegahan korosi besi yang akan dibahas berikut ini didasarkan pada dua sifat tersebut. Pengecatan. Jembatan, pagar, dan railing biasanya dicat. Cat menghindarkan kontak dengan udara dan air. Cat yang mengandung timbel dan zink (seng) akan lebih baik, karena keduanya melindungi besi terhadap korosi. Pelumuran dengan Oli atau Gemuk. Cara ini diterapkan untuk berbagai perkakas dan mesin. Oli dan gemuk mencegah kontak dengan air. Pembalutan dengan Plastik. Berbagai macam barang, misalnya rak piring dan keranjang sepeda dibalut dengan plastik. Plastik mencegah kontak dengan udara dan air. Tin Plating (pelapisan dengan timah). Kaleng-kaleng kemasan terbuat dari besi yang dilapisi dengan timah. Pelapisan dilakukan secara elektrolisis, yang disebut tin plating. Timah tergolong logam yang tahan karat. Akan tetapi, lapisan timah hanya melindungi besi selama lapisan itu utuh (tanpa cacat). Apabila lapisan timah ada yang rusak, misalnya tergores, maka timah justru mendorong/mempercepat korosi besi. Hal itu terjadi karena potensial reduksi besi lebih negatif daripada timah. Oleh karena itu, besi yang dilapisi dengan timah akan membentuk suatu sel elektrokimia dengan besi sebagai anode. Dengan demikian, timah mendorong korosi besi. Akan tetapi hal ini justru yang diharapkan, sehingga kaleng-kaleng bekas cepat hancur. Galvanisasi (pelapisan dengan Zink). Pipa besi, tiang telepon dan berbagai barang lain dilapisi dengan zink. Berbeda dengan timah, zink dapat melindungi besi dari korosi sekalipun lapisannya tidak utuh. Hal ini terjadi karena suatu mekanisme yang disebut perlindungan katode. Oleh karena potensial reduksi besi lebih positif daripada zink, maka besi yang kontak dengan zink akan membentuk sel elektrokimia dengan besi sebagai katode. Dengan demikian besi terlindungi dan zink yang mengalami oksidasi (berkarat). Badan mobil-mobil baru pada umumnya telah digalvanisasi, sehingga tahan karat. Cromium Plating (pelapisan dengan kromium). Besi atau baja juga dapat dilapisi dengan kromium untuk memberi lapisan pelindung yang mengkilap, misalnya untuk bumper mobil. Cromium plating juga dilakukan dengan elektrolisis. Sama seperti zink, kromium dapat memberi perlindungan sekalipun lapisan kromium itu ada yang rusak. Sacrificial Protection (pengorbanan anode). Magnesium adalah logam yang jauh lebih aktif (berarti lebih mudah berkarat) daripada besi. Jika logam magnesium dikontakkan dengan besi, maka magnesium itu akan berkarat tetapi besi tidak. Cara ini digunakan untuk melindungi pipa baja yang ditanam dalam tanah atau badan kapal laut. Secara periodik, batang magnesium harus diganti.


paket wisata lombok In general, precious metals mean metals, including alloys commonly used as jewelry, among others, gold, silver, copper and platinum. These metals have a nice color, rust resistant, soft and present in small quantities in nature. Gold and silver possess excellent electrical conductor that is widely used to coat the connectors on the electronic device. tour lombok In chemistry, the precious metal is a metal that is resistant to corrosion and oxidation. Examples of precious metals are gold, silver and platinum. Generally, precious metals have a high price, because it is rare and corrosion resistance. Precious metals are very difficult to react with the acid. Even so, some precious metals (eg gold) may be dissolved in aqua regia, a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. All precious metals are members of the transition metal. The precious metal is used as jewelry and currency (gold, silver), rust-resistant material (steel) as a silver lining, or a catalyst (eg platinum). Precious Metals or commonly abbreviated as LM, also known as the trademark gold produced by PT ANTAM Tbk. paket wisata lombok In chemistry, a metal or a metal (Greek: Metallon) is a chemical element that is ready to form ions (cations) and has metallic bonds, and sometimes it is said that it is similar to the cation in a cloud of electrons. Metal is one of the three groups of elements as distinguished by ionization and bonding properties, along with the metalloids and non-metals. In the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium (Po) distinguishes metals from non-metals. Element in this line are metalloids, sometimes called semi-metals; element in the lower left are metals; elements to the upper right is non-metallic. paket tour lombok Nonmetal more widely available in nature rather than metal, but there is a lot of metal in the periodic table. Some well-known metals are aluminum, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc. Allotropes of metals tend to be shiny, soft, and a good conductor, while non-metals are usually brittle (for solid non-metallic), not shiny, and insulators. In the field of astronomy, the term metal is often used to refer to all elements heavier than helium. mutiara lombok electrical conductivity]], thermal conductivity, luster properties and density. Metals that have a density, hardness, and low melting point (eg metals in general have a high rate in [[alkali metals and alkaline earth metals) are usually highly reactive. A high number of free electrons in all forms of solid metal causes the metal never look transparent. The majority of the metal has a higher density than non-metallic. However, variations in the density of this difference is very large, ranging from metallic lithium as the smallest density to osmium metal with the greatest density. harga mutiara Chemical properties Metals normally tend to form cations by removing electrons, then react with oxygen in the air to form the basic oxide. Examples: 4 Na + O2 → 2 Na2O (sodium oxide) 2 Ca + O2 → 2 CaO (calcium oxide) 4 Al + 3 O2 → 2 Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) harga mutiara Transition metals such as iron, copper, zinc, and nickel, takes longer to oxidize. Others, such as palladium, platinum and gold, do not react with air at all. Some metals such as aluminum, magnesium, some kinds of steel, and titanium have a sort of "patron" at the very outside, so are not able to be penetrated by oxygen molecules. The process of painting, anodizing or plating on metal is usually the best steps to prevent corrosion. Use of Metals pearl earrings jewelry chili pearl earrings jewelry chili paket wisata lombok Precious metals like gold and silver can be used for jewelry. NaCl electrolysis to produce sodium hydroxide in the cathode (positive pole) and chlorine gas at the anode (negative pole). In the aerospace industry and the medical profession needed a strong material, resistant to corrosion, and are noniritin, such as titanium alloys. Most types of metals is an important element because it is needed in a variety of biochemical functions. In ancient times, certain metals, such as copper, iron, and tin are used to make tools, machinery equipment, and weapons. Generally, useful metal to humans, because of its use in the fields of industry, agriculture, and medicine, for example, the mercury used in the chlor alkali process. Chlor alkali process is an electrolytic process that plays an important role in manufacturing and purification chemicals. Some chemicals that can be obtained by the process of electrolysis is sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, copper, zinc, silver, hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, sodium hydroxide, potassium bichromate, and potassium permanganate. The process of electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is a chlor-alkali process. Heavy Metal. - lombok tour Heavy metal (heavy metal) is a metal with a density of five or more, with an atomic number of 22 to 92. The heavy metals considered harmful to health when accumulated excessively in the body. Some are raised cancer (carcinogens). Similarly with foodstuffs with high heavy metal content is considered unfit for consumption. Cases of environmental pollution causes a lot of food containing excessive heavy metals. Cases that are popular Minamata syndrome, as a result of the accumulation of mercury (Hg) in fish consumption. mutiara lombok In Indonesia, reported that fish in the Bay of Jakarta also has a high mercury content. Shrimp from ponds in Sidoarjo never rejected an importer from Japan as it is considered to contain cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) which exceeds the threshold. Allegedly these metals is the impact of industrial waste in the vicinity. Cocoa from Indonesia was also rejected at an international auction because it is considered to contain Cd above the permitted threshold. Cd probably derived from TSP fertilizer given to plants in plantations. harga mutiara

kinds of pearl jewelry

paket wisata lombok We, Miss Joaquim Pearls Pearls Lombok, have sold many kinds of pearl jewelry, and many people have asked us about: "Is Freshwater Pearls worth buying? "To answer questions like this, the majority of us answered" YES! ", And here are the reasons why: tour lombok Because freshwater pearls have a thicker nacre than saltwater pearls. Also because of the pearls of the same quality, the price is more affordable freshwater pearls (pearl prices cheaper) than in sea water pearls. If you have high creativity to make the strands of pearls, then with a budget that is not too big you can make a lot of pearls ranging from the type of necklace chooker to freshwater pearl necklace length to support your appearance. With the same budget possibility to make sea water pearl necklace length is not possible, because it would require a lot of money to make one long strand pearl necklace original seawater. paket wisata lombok One major difference between freshwater pearls and seawater pearls are located in the nucleus of nacre and the amount that can be invested, in this case the freshwater pearl nucleus can be embedded very large number (more than one). wholesale freshwater pearl paket tour lombok Most oyster Mutiar sea water pearls can only produce one or at most two pearls at once, while that for freshwater pearls is very possible to harvest up to 50 pearls in an oyster mollusk body fruit freshwater pearls. Therefore, freshwater pearls are cultivated and more profitable to save a lot of costs to be maintained (more economical). mutiara lombok Another reason freshwater pearls have a cheaper price is the amount they are very abundant in the market. When 15 years ago freshwater pearl is almost an exclusive product of the lake Biwa (located very near Kyoto) in Japan. But since a decade ago almost all the pearl farms that were there were closed due to pollution and pearls many died. freshwater pearls selling high quality harga mutiara Until now, Japan has never recovered water pearl industry bargaining. However, recent developments, in Lake Kasumigaura has managed to make a small harvest of high quality freshwater pearls. Fortunately Lake Kasumigaura has been protected in Japan, because of the environment and the fact that they need to protect the habitat of native freshwater eel this lake and it is also important for freshwater pearls. Unfortunately, freshwater pearls are usually the result of lake Kasumigaura expensive. harga mutiara Most freshwater pearls are cheap and plentiful in the market today is coming from China. To avoid pollution, pearl farms in China are usually in the area of ​​local rivers and lakes are remote and of course there have cheap labor price that is very economical to farm pearls. Freshwater Pearl Cultivation Results - paket wisata lombok Freshwater pearls produced from the cultivation of freshwater pearl mussels. Sires pearls produced in Japan and the United States on a limited scale, but is now almost exclusively produced in China. The US Federal Trade Commission requires that freshwater pearls are cultivated referred to as "cultured fresh water pearls" in the terms of trade. Quality freshwater cultured pearls are evaluated through a system of assessment of a series of values ​​of A, AA, AAA: based luster, shape, and other factors Is Grafting process on freshwater pearl? lombok tour Grafting process begins with selecting a suitable donor shells and cut a strip of mantle tissue, tissue strip is then cut in squares of three millimeters. This box was delivered to the technician who performed the operation. Unlike nucleation sea water pearls, the process is not considered difficult, and technicians need only minimum training to perform the operation of the freshwater pearl mussel. Then the technician officer creates a small incision in the upper valve, and insert a piece of tissue. Shaped Freshwater Pearls Baroque - Baroque Shaped Freshwater Pearls Baroque - Baroque High Quality Chinese freshwater mussels ever transplanted up to 50 times per shell, or 25 times per valve. This practice is especially common in shellfish industry cockscomb pearl mussels (Cristaria plicata). These shells can produce huge quantities of low-quality freshwater pearls which became known as the "Rice Krispie pearl" in the 1970s and 1980s. mutiara lombok More than a decade ago freshwater pearl industry of China shifting the production of pearl oyster shells shell comb into triangles (Hyriopsis cumingii). Triangle Shell pearl mussels produce fewer, freshwater pearl mussels this type only receive 12-16 grafts per valve for a total production of 24-32 pearls, which can lead to the production of pearls with high quality. Processing - harga mutiara Harvesting freshwater pearls are usually purchased while still in the shell. After harvesting pearls that are sent to the first stage of the plant, which is responsible for cleaning and sorting pearls by size and shape. Once this process has been completed, pearls are considered material ready for processing plants. Pearls are then processed in a chemical solution of warm and cold, and then cleaned. Pearls that show good color will be sorted to fit into our store. perhiasan mutiara mj logo bbm wa address copySetelah pearl is later processed as freshwater pearls are pearls in Bor and then strung on strands of strong nylon thread as a thread while (because buyers usually will menguntainya back into a new jewelry line with his will), and then combined in bond bersar consists of 5 to 10 strands while and considered what is called freshwater pearl wholesale products that are ready for sale in the store gold and pearl jewelry Pearls chili Miss Joaquim. If you want to buy wholesale freshwater pearls at affordable prices, add bbm pin: 51258C55 and Whatsapp: +6287888894689. Miss Joaquim Pearls are wholesale merchants largest freshwater pearls throughout Indonesia. open trip lombok Related Article: Lombok Tour Packages Package Tour Singapore Lombok Property

Easy Ways Cleaning

paket wisata lombok Easy Ways Cleaning and Caring for Gold Jewelry: First, prepare in advance equipment to clean jewelry that baby soap, soft brush, a soft cloth and warm water two bowls. Once the equipment is available, do the cleaning process by pouring a few drops of baby soap into a bowl of warm water. Having outlined later in adauk-stir until completely mixed soap flush with air.Langkah next is going to take the jewelry cleaned and then enter it into the water that has been mixed with baby soap and soak the jewelry for more than 10 menit.cara cleaning gold tour lombok After immersion for 10 minutes, to be sure the dirt is already easy to clean. Use a soft brush to clean the dirt that is lurking on the sidelines of jewelry motif. Clean up slowly, carefully and thoroughly while making sure there is no more dirt is left behind. After the brushing process is complete and you are sure no dirt is left behind, repeatedly dip into the warm water that has been provided in the bowl. This process is done to clean the dirt once rinsing residual soap that is still attached to the jewelry. After the rinsing process is finished, make sure that nothing at all remnants of the soap and dirt on the jewelry.paket wisata lombok Then take a dry cloth to dry with a soft texture jewelry. After drying with a soft cloth Comrade Capsules should air the jewelry so that absolutely no water left on the sidelines of gold jewelry. Lombok pearl ring with silver metal fastener paket tour lombok Cleaning silver jewelry can be done alone and materials available at home kitchen cleaner. Participate tips and tricks: Before cleaning the jewelry, jewelry first clean from dust and dirt on the surface. You can use a cloth of soft material to clean. This is to avoid damage due to friction rough jewelry. The thing to remember when cleaning silver jewelery, cloth to rub the same direction on your silver jewelry, and with a straight direction. If you clean up in a circle, it is feared will scratch the jewelry. Soak silver jewelry with hot water that has been mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda. Make sure the jewelry completely submerged in a mixture of baking soda water. mutiara lombok Let stand for 2-3 minutes then dry with a soft cloth. Ensure completely dry to avoid damage to the jewelry. With this treatment the bright silver jewelry back. Silver can also be cleaned with detergent. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of warm water with detergent and clean the jewelry in a bowl with a toothbrush. It should be noted, pendant or gemstone should not be exposed to detergents, because it would undermine the clarity of the gemstone. When the store, away from light and air. Wrap with water-resistant paper, and enter into a plastic and store in the dark. If possible, store silver jewelry in a jewelry box made of velvet, and away from anything that contain metal. Another way to clean silver: harga mutiara Rinse with warm water: Prepare in a container of warm water. If your silver jewelry is quite a lot, provide water in a container rather large. Then, gently rinse the entire jewelry with warm water. Dry: After rinsing, dry the jewelry with a soft fluffy towels. Also make sure the sidelines of jewelry has dried. Polish: There are several different products that can be used to remove dirt. If using a silver cleaning cloth, rub with a movement forward and backward, not in a circular motion. If using liquid silver cleaning fluid, once applied to jewelry, let stand for a few seconds, then dry with a cloth. Pasta for intricate designs: If the jewelry design is quite complicated, use a silver cleaning pastes. You can use a soft-bristled brush to reach difficult areas. But, on the surface of the jewelry, keep clean with a silver cleaning cloth. Now it is time to sight see and shop for gold jewelry in gold and pearl jewelry store chili Miss Joaquim Pearls lombok tour